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Kronleuchter Bella E14 aus Metall in Gold
460,45 €

Kronleuchter Bella E14 aus Metall in Gold

Kronleuchter Bella E14 aus Metall in Gold
Mega Sale
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46045 €
595,90 €
inkl. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Artikelnr. V-0420082020-05
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5,0 sur 5 étoiles Top

Notice pas super mais fait son effet

Notice pas super mais fait son effet
Adriano Brückler

Genau das was man erwartet. Prunkvoll und edel.

Genau das was man erwartet. Prunkvoll und edel.

I love my chandelier! I spent weeks deciding exactly what I wanted, & I am so glad I went with this one. Absolutely stunning. Seller communication was good, and they sent the light very promptly; although when I opened the box and discovered I had to attach all the crystals myself, I did decide to wait until I had more time! The instructions were a little sparse about what went where but don't be put off, with a smidge of common sense it was easy enough. I have 7 40W ...
5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect!

I love my chandelier! I spent weeks deciding exactly what I wanted, & I am so glad I went with this one. Absolutely stunning. Seller communication was good, and they sent the light very promptly; although when I opened the box and discovered I had to attach all the crystals myself, I did decide to wait until I had more time! The instructions were a little sparse about what went where but don't be put off, with a smidge of common sense it was easy enough. I have 7 40W ...

I love my chandelier! I spent weeks deciding exactly what I wanted, & I am so glad I went with this one. Absolutely stunning.Seller communication was good, and they sent the light very promptly; although when I opened the box and discovered I had to attach all the crystals myself, I did decide to wait until I had more time! The instructions were a little sparse about what went where but don't be put off, with a smidge of common sense it was easy enough.I have 7 40W le...

I love my chandelier! I spent weeks deciding exactly what I wanted, & I am so glad I went with this one. Absolutely stunning.Seller communication was good, and they sent the light very promptly; although when I opened the box and discovered I had to attach all the crystals myself, I did decide to wait until I had more time! The instructions were a little sparse about what went where but don't be put off, with a smidge of common sense it was easy enough.I have 7 40W le...

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Kronleuchter Bella E14 aus Metall in Gold
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